About Al-Qand Group

 We are Experienced and qualified team players, determined to succeed,

 integrating and binding together as one professional team.
Our vision is to establish a well organized, modern and fast growing.
Our mission
Build strong management and financial system.
Continuous development.
Build a successful business partnership with venders.
Focus on customer satisfaction strategy.
Our strategy
Keeping the mission depending upon six sigma basics:
Planning, preparing  , practicing and presenting
Our goals
Many years of success.
Improving quality.
Long run business _ establishing strategy
Alqand Group  added value to the private market…….
Customer Management Relationship (CMR)
üElectronic customer database management
üVisits monitoring to the customers  on weekly or monthly basis .
üYearly conference .
Promotion …
ü4 Scientific Offices
üCreate promotional materials
üTop facilities in finance
Alqand Group  added value to the Public  market…….
üConcentration on  core items
üFast registration with Professional staff
üRelationship management
üOpen the close door in  MOH
üOrganization and planning
üTop market share
üFocusing on medical specialized hospital and  centers .